
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

AFFILAE( Eth. Affilanus), a town of Latium, in the more extended sense of the term, but which must probably have in earlier times belonged to the Hernicans. It is still called Affile, and is situated in the mountainous district S. of the valley of the Anio, about 7 miles from Subiaco. We learn from the treatise ascribed to Frontinus (de Colon. p. 230), that its territory was colonized in the time of the Gracchi, but it never enjoyed the rank of a colony, and Pliny mentions it only among the oppidaof Latium. ( H. N. 3.5.9.) Inscriptions, fragments of columns, and other ancient relics are still visible in the modern village of Affile. (Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, vol. 1. p. 41.)