
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANDRIACA(Ἀνδριάκη: Andráki), the port of the town of Myra in Lycia. Appian (App. BC 4.82) says that Lentulus broke through the chain which crossed the entrance of the port, and went up the river to Myra. Beaufort ( Karamania, p. 26) gives the name Andrákito the river of Myra. On the north side of the entrance are the remains of large Roman horrea, with a perfect inscription, which states that the horrea were Hadrian's: the date is Hadrian's third consulate, which is A.D. 119. Andriaca is mentioned by Ptolemy; and Pliny has Andriaca civitas, Myra(5.27). Andriaca, then, is clearly the place at the mouth of the small river on which Myra stood, 20 stadia higher up. (Strab. p. 666.) It must have been at Andriaca, as Cramer observes, that St. Paul and his companions were put on board the ship of Alexandria. ( Acts, 27.5, 6.)