
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANGLII or ANGLI(Ἄγγειλοι, Ἄγγιλοι), were according to Tacitus ( Germ. 40), and Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.11), a tribe of the German race of the Suevi. Tacitus does not mention the country they occupied; but, according to Ptolemy, they were the greatest tribe in the interior of Germany, extending further east than the Langobardi, and to the north as far as the river Albis. Subsequently, in connection with other tribes, they immigrated under the name of Anglo-Saxons, into England. A district in Schleswig still bears the name of Angeln, but it is doubtful whether that: name has any connection with the ancient Anglii. (Ledebur, in the Allgem. Archiv. fu+r die Gesch. des Preuss. Staats, 13. p. 75, foll.)