
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANTIGONEIA(Ἀντιγόνεια, Ἀντιγονία, Anti. gonēa, Liv.: Eth. Ἀντιγονεύς, Antigonensis).

1. A town of Epirus in the district Chaonia, on the Aous and near a narrow pass leading from Illyria into Chaonia. (Τά παρ' Ἀντιγόνειαν στενά, Plb. 2.5, 6; ad Antigoneam fauces, Liv. 32.5.) The town was in the hands of the Romans in their war with Perseus. (Liv. 43.23.) It is mentioned both by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.1) and Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.14.7).

2. A town of Macedonia in the district Crusis in Chalcidice, placed by Livy between Aeneia and Pallene. (Liv. 44.10.) It is called by Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.13.38) Psaphara (Ψαφαρά) probably in order to distinguish it from Antigoneia in Paeonia. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 460.)

3. A town of Macedonia in Paeonia, placed in the Tabular Itinerary between Stena and Stobi. (Scymnus, 631; Plin. Nat. 4.10. s. 17; Ptolem. 3.13.36.)

4. The later name of Mantineia. [MANTINEIA]

5. A city in Syria on the Orontes, founded by Antigonus in B.C. 307, and intended to be the capital of his empire. After the battle of Ipsus, B.C. 301, in which Antigonus perished, the inhabitants of Antigoneia were removed by his successful rival Seleucus to the city of Antioch, which the latter founded a little lower down the river. (Strab. 16. p. 750; Diod. 20.47; Liban. Antioch. p. 349; Malala, p. 256.) Diodorus erroneously says that the inhabitants were removed to Seleuceia. Antigoneia continued, however, to exist, and is mentioned in the war with the Parthians after the defeat of Crassus. (Dio Cass..)

An earlier name of Alexandreia Troas. [ALEXANDREIA TROAS,102b.]

An earlier name of Nicaea in Bithynia. [NICAEA