
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANTIPHRAE(Ἀντίφραι, Strab. 17. p. 799; Ἀντίφρα, Steph. B., Ptol.; Ἀντιφρώ, Hierocl. p. 734: Eth. Ἀντιφραῖος), a small inland town of the Libyae Nomos, not far from the sea, and a little W. of Alexandria, celebrated for its poor Libyan wine,which was drunk by the lower classes of Alexandria mixed with sea-water, and which seems to have been an inferior description of the Mareotic wineof Virgil and Horace ( Georg. 2.91, Carm. 1.37.14; comp. Ath. 1. p. 33, Lucan (Luc. 10.160).