
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARGENTORATUM or ARGENTORATUS(Ammian. 15.11: Strassburyon the Rhine), is first mentioned by Ptolemy. The position is well ascertained by the Itineraries. It has the name of Stratisburgium in the Geographer of Ravenna and Strataburgum in the Notitia.Nithard, who wrote in the ninth century (quoted by D'Anvilie and others), speaks of it as having once the name of Argentaria nunc autem Stratzburg vulgo dicitur;but he is probably mistaken in giving it the name of Argentaria instead of Argentoratum. [AROENTARIA.] Zosimus (3.3) calls the place Ἀργέντωρ.It was originally a town of the Tribocci. The Romans had a manufactory of arms at Argentoratum; and Julian defeated the Alemanni here. (Amm. Marcell. 16.12.)