
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

A´RGILUS(Ἄργιλος: Eth. Ἀργίλιος), a city of Macedonia in the district Bisaltia, between Amphipolis and Bromiscus. It was founded by a colony from Andros. (Thuc. 4.103.) It appears from Herodotus (Hdt. 7.115) to have been a little to the right of the route of the army of Xerxes, and must therefore have been situated a little inland. Its territory must have been extended as far as the right bank of the Strymon, since Cerdylium, the mountain immediately opposite Amphipolis, belonged to Argilus. (Thuc. 5.6.) The Argilians readily joined Brasidas in B.C. 424, on account of their jealousy of the important city of Amphipolis, which the Athenians had founded in their neighbourhood. (Thuc. 4.103; comp. Steph. B. s. v.;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. ,p. 171.)