
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARIASPAE(Ἀριάσπι, Arrian, 3.37; Curt. 7.3.1), a tribe of the province of Drangiana, who lived apparently at its southern extremity, adjoining Gedrosia. Their name has been spelt variously, as Agriaspae (Curt. 7.3. 1), Zariaspae (Plin. Nat. 6.23. 25), and Arimaspae (Diod. 17.81). Arrian (3.27) states that this was their original title, but that, having aided Cyrus in his Scythian expedition, they were subsequently called Evergetae (benefactors). Diodorus has probably confounded them with the Scythian tribe of the Arimaspi. (Hdt. 3.116.) Ptolemy (Ptol. 6.19.5, and 8.25.9) speaks of a city called Ariaspa (Ἀριάσπη), which was the second city of Drangiana, probably situated on the Etymander ( Elmend). Wilson and Burnouf agree in considering the Greek Ariaspa as equivalent to the Sanscrit Aryáswa, rearers or riders of excellent horses.(Wilson, Ariana, p. 155; Burnouf, Comm. sur le Yaçna, not. p. cv.)