
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A. station and village on the road over the Graian Alps, immediately at the foot of the passage of the mountain itself. The Tabula, in which alone the name occurs, places it 6 M. P. from the station on the summit of the pass (in Alpe Graia), and 16 from Arebrigium; but this last distance is greatly overstated, and should certainly be corrected into 6, as the distances in the Table would in this case coincide with those in the Itinerary., which gives 24 miles in all from Arebrigium ( Pre St. Didier) to Bergintrum ( Bourg St. Maurice), and this is just about the truth. Ariolica probably occupied the same site as La Tuille, in the first little plain or opening of the valley which occurs on the descent into Italy. The name is erroneously given as ARTOLICA in the older editions of the Ta.. bula, but the original has Ariolica. [E.H.B]

2. A station in Gallia, is placed in the Tables on the road from Urba (Orbe), in the Pays de Vaud in Switzerland, to Vesontio ( Besançon) in France, and seems to represent Pontarlieron the Doubs;but the distances in the Antonine Itin. do not agree with the real distances, and D'Anville resorts to a transposition of the numbers, as he does occasionally in other cases. The Theodosian Tab. names the place Abrolica,—possibly an error of transcription. [G.L]