
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARME´NIUM(Ἀρμένιον: Magúla), a town of Pelasgiotis in Thessaly, situated between Pherae and Larissa, near the lake Boebeïs, said to have been the birthplace of Armenus, who accompanied Jason to Asia, and gave his name to the country of Armenia. It is hardly necessary to remark, that this tale, like so many others, arose from the accidental similarity of the names. The Magúlais a circular eminence three quarters of a mile in circumference, which has some appearance of having been surrounded with walls; and where though little is observable at present except broken stones and fragments of ancient pottery, these are in such an abundance as leaves no doubt of its having been an Hellenic site.(Strab. xi. pp. 503, 530; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 4. p. 451.)