
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARMO´SOTA or ARSAMO´SOTA(Ἀρμόσοτα, Plb. 8.25; Ἀρσαμόσατα, Ptol. v, 13; Armosota, Plin. Nat. 6.9; Arsamosata, Tac. Anal. 15.10; Spanheim, de Usu Numm. p. 903, has a coin of M. Aurelius, with the epigraph ΑΡΜΑΞΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ), a town of Armenia, situated near the Euphrates. (Plin. l. c.) In the times of the emperors of the East, it formed the themaor military district of Asmosat, which was in the neighbourhood of Handsith or Chauzith. (Const. Porph. de Admin. Imp. 100.50, p. 182, ed. Meurs.) Ritter ( Erdkunde, vol. 11. p. 107) places it in Sophene ( Kharpát), and considers that it may be represented by the modern Se'rt, —the Tigranocerta of D'Anville. (Lieut. Col. Sheil, London Geog. Soc. vol. 8. p. 77; St. Martin, Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 106.)