
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARSADA or ARSADUS, a town of Lycia, not mentioned, so far as appears, by any ancient writer. The modern site appears to be Arsa, a small village overlooking the valley of the Xanthus.(Spratt's Lycia, vol. 1. p. 293.) There are rock tombs, on two of which Lycian inscriptions were observed. There are several Greek inscriptions; in two of them mention is made of the name of the place.One inscription is given in Spratt's Lycia (vol. 2. p. 291), from which it appears that the ancient name was not Arsa, as it is assumed in the work referred to, but Arsadus, or Arsada (like Arycanda), as the Ethnic name, which occurs twice in the inscription, shows (Ἀρσαδέων ὁ δῆμος, and Ἀρσαδέα, in the accusative singular.) The real name is not certain, because the name of a place cannot always be deduced with certainty from the Ethnic name. The inscription is on a sarcophagus, and records that the Demus honoured a certain person with a gold crown and a bronze statue for certain services to the community. The inscription shows that there was a temple of Apollo at this place.