
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARTACE(Ἀρτάκη: Eth. Ἀρτακηνός, Ἀρτάκιος, Ἀρτακεύς: Artakior Erdek), a town of Mysia, near Cyzicus (Hdt. 4.14), and a Milesian colony. (Strab. pp. 582, 635.) It was a sea-port, and on the same peninsula on which Cyzicus stood, and about 40 stadia from it. Artace was burnt, together with Proconnesus, during the Ionian revolt, in the reign of Darius I. (Hdt. 6.33.) Probably it was not rebuilt, for Strabo does not mention it among the Mysian towns: but he speaks (p. 576) of a wooded mountain Artace, with an island of the same name near to it, the same which Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.32) calls Artacaeum. Timosthenes, quoted by Stephanus (s. v.Ἀρτάκη), also gives the name Artace to a mountain, and to a small island, one stadium from the land. In the time of Procopius, Artace had been rebuilt, and was a suburb of Cyzicus. ( Bell. Pers. 1.25.) It is now a poor place. (Hamilton, Researches, vol. 2. p. 97.)