
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARTAEA(Ἀρταῖα, Steph. B.: Eth. Ἄρταἰοι), a district of Persia, where, according to Hellanicus (Hellan. Fragm. No. Ixiii. p. 97, Sturz), Perseus and Andromeda founded several cities (Steph.) It is probably connected with the Parthian Artacana of Ptolemy (Ptol. 6.5.4). Herodotus (Hdt. 7.61) states the native name of the Persians was Artaei ; Stephanus and Hesychius (s. v. Ἀρτάς) say that it was a particular epithet given in the vernacular dialect to the heroes of ancient Persian romance (Rawlinson, Asiat. Journ. xi. pt. 1. p. 35), no doubt nearly connected with the ancient name of the Medes, Arii, with the Zend Airya, and the Sanscrit Arthya (Pott, Forschung. &c. p. lxix.)