
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARTAGE´RA(Ἀρταγἠραι, Strab. 11. p. 529; Ἀρτάγειρα, Zon. 10.36; Artagera,Vellei. 2.102), a town of Armenia, supposed to be the same as the Artagigarta of Ptolemy (Ἀρταγιγάρτα, 5.13.22) and the Artogerassa of Amm. Marcellinus (27.12). It is called by the Armenian writers Artagêr( Ardakers?)) (St.Martin, Mem. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 122.) Before the walls of this city C. Caesar, grandson of Augustus, received the wound from the effects of which he died. The site would appear to have been between Arsamosata and Tigranocerta, if it be assumed that it is the same place as the Artagigarta of Ptolemy.