
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARTIGI two cities of Hispania Baetica. 1. In the N., on the high road from Corduba to Emerita, 36 M. P. from Mellaria and 32 from Metellinum. Its site seems to be at or about Castuera. ( It. Ant. p. 416.)—2. ARTIGI JULIENSES(Plin.3.1.s. 3, where the common text has Astigi:Ἀρτιγίς, Ptol. 2.4.11: Alhama), one of the chief inland cities in the S. of Baetica, belonging to the district of Bastetania and the conventus of Corduba. It stood in the heart of M. Ilipula (the Sierra Nevada), and commanded one of the chief passes from the Mediterranean coast to the valley of Granada. In the Moorish wars it was celebrated as one of the keys of Granada;and its capture by the Christians, Feb. 28, 1482,was a fatal blow to the Moors, whose feelings are recorded in the very mournfulArabic and Spanish ballad, Ay! de mi AlhamaAlas! for my Alhama:well known by Byron's translation. (Ford, Handbook of Spain, p. 122.)