
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ASTABE´NE(Ἀσταβηνὴ, Isid. Charax: Eth. Astabeni; Ἀσταβηνοί, or Ἀσταυηνοί, or Σταυηνοί, Ptol. 6.9.5, 6.17.3). according to Isidore, a district between Hyrcania and Parthia, containing twelve villages and one town of note called Asaac, or, more probably, Arsacia, It seems doubtful whether the name of the region and its inhabitants ought not to be Artabene and Artabeni respectively. According to Ptolemy the Astabeni were a people of Hyrcania, on the coast of the Caspian. The ASTACENI of Plin. (2.105, 109) are probably the same people.