
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ASTE´LEPHUS(Ἀστέλεφος), one of the small rivers of Colchis, rising in the Caucasus, and falling into the Euxine 120 stadia S. of Dioscurias or Sebastopolis, and 30 stadia N. of the river Hippus. (Arrian. Perip. Pont. Eux. 9, 10; Plin. Nat. 6.4.) It is also called Stelippon ( Geogr. Rav. ) and Stempeo ( Tab. Peut. ). Different modern writers attempt to identify it with different streams of the many on this coast: namely; the Markhoulaor Tamüsch, the Mokrior Aksu, the Shijamor Keleuhol, and the Kodor. (Ukert, vol. iii. pt. 2, p. 204; Mannert, vol. 4. p. 394; Forbiger, vol. 2. p. 443.)