
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ATTI´DIUM a town of Umbria, mentioned only by Pliny, who enumerates the Attidiates among the inland towns of that province (3.14. s. 19). But its existence as a municipal town is confirmed by inscriptions (Holsten. Not. ad Cluver. p. 83; Orell. Inscr. 88), and there is little doubt that the Attidiatis agermentioned in the Liber de Coloniis (p. 252) among those of Picenum is only a corruption of Attidiatis.The site is clearly marked by the village of Attigio, situated in the upper valley of the Aesis, about 2 miles S. of the modern city of Fabriano, to which the inhabitants of Attidium appear to have migrated in the middle ages. Some ruins and numerous inscriptions still remain at Attigio. (Cluver. Vital. p. 614; Calindri, Statistica del Pontificio Stato, p. 115; Ramelli, Iscrizioni di Fabriano, in Bull. d. Inst. 1845, p. 127.)