
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BABYTACE(Βαβυτάκη: Eth. Βαβυτακηνός, Steph. B. s. v.;Plin. Nat. 6.27), according to Stephanus a city of Persis, according to Pliny on the Tigris, 135 M. P. from Susa. The place appears to have been variously written in the MSS. of Pliny, but the most recent editor (Sillig, 1851) retains the above reading. It appears, from Pliny's description, that he considered it to be a town of Susiana. He states that it was in septentrionali Tigridis alveo.It has been conjectured by Forbiger (vol. 2. p. 586) that it is the same place as Badaca (Diod. 19.19), but this place was probably much nearer to Susa. (Rawlinson, Journ. Roy. Geogr. Soc. vol. 9. p. 91; see also Layard, ibid.vol. 16. p. 92.) [V]