
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BAGRADAS(ὁ Βαγράδας, Ptol. 6.4.2; 6.8.3, Bagrada; Ammian. 23.6; Marcian, p. 19, 20, 23), a small river which flowed into the Persian Gulf, and which appears to have been the boundary of the provinces of Persis and Carmania. It has been conjectured that it is either the Rhoganis of Arrian ( Ind. c. 39), or the Granis of the same writer. (l. c.) It is probably represented by the present Nabend, which divides Laristánand Fárs(Burnes's Map), or by the Bender-begh. (Vincent, Navig. of Indian Ocean, vol. 1. p. 401.)