
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BALANEA(ΒαλαναίαStrab. 16. p. 733; Βαλανέαι, Steph. B.; Βαλαναίαι, Ptol. 5.15; Βαλανέα, Hierocles; Balanea, Plin. Nat. 5.18; Eth. Βαλανεώτης, Belinas: Banias), a town of Syria subject to Aradus. (Strab. l. c.) It was situated 27 M. P. from Gabala, and 24 M. P. from Antaradus. The Balneis of the Peutinger Tables, which is fixed at pretty nearly the same distance from Antaradus and Gabala, must be identified with Balanea. The name arose no doubt from the baths in the neighbourhood. For coins of Balanea both Autonomous, and belonging to the Empire, see Rasche (vol. 1. p. 1444) and Eckhel (vol. 3. p. 310). This city was pleasantly situated, facing the sea to the N., and having the river Baniason the S. and W. The foundations of a handsome church are still visible, and Roman remains cover the plain to some considerable extent. Near the sea are many granite columns, marking the site of some public building. To the E., on a low hill, are what appear to be the ruins of the Acropolis. The name of a bishop of Balanea occurs in the acts of the Council of Nice, and it is mentioned by the Crusaders under the name of Valania. (Wilken, die Kreuz, vol. 1. p. 255, 2.596, iii. (2) 257.) It is now utterly deserted. (Pococke, Trav. vol. ii. pt. 1; Buckingham, Arab Tribes, p. 526; Thomson, Bibl. Sacra, vol. 5. p. 257; Chesney, Euphrat. Exped. vol. 1. p. 452.)