
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BALBU´RA(Βάλβουρα: Eth. Βαλβουρεύς), a Lycian town, the site of which is fixed (Spratt's Lycia, vol. 1. p. 267) at Kataraon both sides of the Katara Soo, the most northern branch of the Xanthus. The acropolis hill is about 300 feet above the plain of Katara, and the plain is 4500 feet above the level of the sea. The ruins occupy a considerable space on both sides of the stream. There are two theatres at Balbura; one is on the south side of the acropolis hill, and the other is in a hollow in the front of the mountain on the south side of the stream: the hollow in the mountain formed the cavea. There are also remains of several temples at Katara;and of Christian churches. The Ethnic name Βαλβουρεύςoccurs on two inscriptions at least at Katara. The site was discovered by Hoskyn and Forbes.
The name Balbura is a neuter plural. (Steph s. v. Βάλβουρα.) There was a district Cabalia (Plin. Nat. 5.27), named Cabalis by Strabo (p. 631), which contained Balbura and two other cities, Bubon and Oenoanda. [CABALIS]
(Hoskyn and Leake, in London Geog. Jour. vol 12. p. 143; Spratt's Lycia.)