
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BA´RGASA(Βάργασα: Eth. Βαργασηνός), a city of Caria. The Ethnic name is given by Stephanus on the authority of Apollonius in his Carica.There are also coins of Bargasa with the epigraph Βαργασηνῶν.It is mentioned by Strabo (p. 656), who, after speaking of Cnidus, says, then Ceramus and Bargasa, small places above the sea.The next place that he mentions is Halicarnassus. Bargasa is therefore between Cnidus and Halicarnassus. Leake places Bargasa in his map, by conjecture, at the head of the gulf of Cos, at a place which he marks Djovata;this seems to be the Givaof Cramer. Neither of them states the authority for this position.