
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BASTETA´NI, BASTITA´NI, BASTU´LI (Βαστητανοί, Βαστιτανοί, Βαστοῦλοι), according to Strabo, were a people of Hispania Baetica, occupying the whole of the S. coast, from Calpe on the W. to Barea on the E., which was called from them BASTETANIA(Βαστητανία). They also extended inland, on the E., along M. Orospeda. But Ptolemy distinguishes the Bastuli from the Bastetani, placing the latter E. of the former, as far as the borders of the ORETANI and extending the Bastuli W. as far as the mouth of the Baetis. They were a mixed race, partly Iberian and partly Phoenician, and hence Ptolemy speaks of them as Βαστοῦλοι οἱ καλουμενοὶ Ροινοί, and Appian calls them Βλαστοφοίνικες ( Hisp. 56). (Strab. iii. pp. 139, 155, 156, 162; Mela, 3.1; Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3; Ptol. 2.4. § § 6, 9; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1,pp. 308, 309, 315, 406).