
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BATAVO´RUM, O´PPIDUM, is mentioned in Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 5.19), as it stands in most texts. Civilis, after being defeated by the Romans at Vetera, and not being able to defend the Batavorum Oppidumretreated into the Batavorum Insula. If Nymegenwere Batavodurum, the Batavorum Oppidum and Batavodurum might be the same place. If we read in Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 5.19) Oppida Batavorum,as one MS. at least has, there must have been Batavian towns out of the Insula as well as in it; and this may be so, as Lipsius contends, and cites in support of his opinion Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 4.12). Batenburg, on the right bank of the Maas, and nearly due west of Nymegen, will suit very well the position of the Oppidum Batavorum, so far as the events mentioned in Tacitus show; and in this case also we have a Batavian town which is not within the Insula.