
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BEERSHEBA(Βηρσαβεί), The Well of the Oath;so named from an incident in the life of Abraham ( Gen. 21.25, &c.), and afterwards the site of a city, situated in that part of Judah, which was assigned to the tribe of Simeon. ( Josh. 15.28, 19.2.) It is proverbial as the southernmost extremity of the Land of Israel, and was in the time of Eusebius a very extensive village twenty miles south of Hebron. It was then occupied by a Roman garrison. Its name is still preserved, and the site is marked by two fine ancient wells, and extensive ruins. (Reland, s. v.;Robinson, Bib. Res. vol. ii. pp. 301—303.) It is 12 hours, or more than 30 Roman miles, S.W. by W. of Hebron.