
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BELEMI´NA, BELMI´NA, or BELBI´NA (Βελεμίνα, Βέλμινα, Βελβίνα : Eth. Βελβινήτης, Steph. B.), a town in the NW. frontier of Laconia, the territory of which was called Belminatis. (Βελμινᾶτις, Plb. 2.54; Strab. 8. p. 343.) It was originally an Arcadian town, but was conquered by the Lacedaemonians at an early period, and annexed to their territory; although Pausanias does not believe this statement. (Paus. 8.35.4.) After the battle of Leuctra Belbina was restored to Arcadia; most of its inhabitants were removed to the newly founded city of Megalopolis; and the place continued to be a dependency of the latter city. (Paus. 8.27.4; Plut. Cleom. 4; Plb. 2.54.) In the wars of the Achaean league, the Belminatis was a constant source of contention between the Spartans and Achaeans. Under Machanidas or Nabis, the tyrants of Sparta, the Belminatis was again annexed to Laconia; but upon the subjugation of Sparta by Philopoemen in B.C. 188, the Belminatis was once more annexed to the territory of Megalopolis. (Liv. 38.34.) The Belminatis is a mountainous district, in which the Eurotas takes its rise from many springs. (Strab. l. c.;Paus. 3.21.3.) The mountains of Belemina, now called Tzimbarú, rise to the height of 4108 feet. Belemina is said by Pausanias (l. c.) to have been 100 stadia from Pellana, and is plated by Leake on the summit of Mount Khelmós, upon which there are Hellenic remains. (Leake, Morea, vol. 3. p. 20; Peloponnesiaca, pp. 203, 234, 237, 366.)