
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BERGA(Βέργη: Eth. Βέργαῖος), a town of Macedonia, lying inland from the mouth of the Strymon (Scymnlus Ch. 654; Ptol. 3.13.31) only known as the birthplace of the writer Antiphanes, whose tales were so marvellous and incredible as to give rise to a verb Βεργαίζειν, in the sense of telling falsehoods. (Strab. 1. p. 47, ii. pp. 102, 104; Steph. B. s. v.; Dict. of Biogr. vol. 1. p. 204.) Leake places Berga near the modern Takhynó, upon the shore of the Strymonic lake. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 229.)