
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BERGINTRUM a place on the Gallic side of the pass of the Alpes Graiae, lying on the road marked in the Antonine Itin. between Medioljanum ( Milan) and Vienna ( Vienne). D'Anville ( Notice, &c.) places it, according to the Table, between Axima ( Aime) and Alpis Graia. The distance from Bergintrum to Axima is marked viiii M. P. The Alpis Graia may be the watershed on the pass of the Little St. Bernard, which divides the waters that flow to the Isèrefrom those which flow to the Dora Balteaon the Italian side. This is the place which D'Anville names l'Hôpital, on the authority of a manuscript map of the country. D'Anville supposes that Bergintrum may be St. Maurice ;but he admits that xii, the distance in the Table between Bergintrum and Alpis Graia, does not fit the distance between St. Mauriceand l'Hôpital, which is less. Walekenaer ( Géog. &c. vol. 3. p. 27) supposes that two routes between Arebrigium and Darantasia have been made into one in the Table, and he fixes Bergintrum at Bellentre. He also attempts to show that in the Anton. Itin. between Arebrigium and Darantasia there has been confusion in the numbers and the names of places; and this appears to be the case. The position of Bergintrem cannot be considered as certain, though the limits between which we must look for it are pretty well defined.