
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BETA´SII a people mentioned by Tacitus. In the war with Civilis, Claudius Labeo, a Batavian, mustered a force of Nervii and Betasii (Hist. 4.56); and he opposed Civilis at a bridge over the Mosa with a hastily raised body of Betasii, Tunnri, and Nervii (Hist. 4.66). Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.17) mentions the Betasii, but he does not help us to fix their position. It seems probable that the Betasii were the neighbours of the Nervii and Tungri, and it is conjectured that the name is preserved in that of Beetz, on the left bank of the Geete, south of Haalen, in South Brabant.