
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BETHDAGON(Βηθδαγών). Two cities of this name occur in the lists in the book of Joshuac, one situated in the tribe of Judah, apparently towards the SW.; and the other in the tribe of Asher (15.41, 19.27). There are two villages of this name, Beit-dajan, now in Palestine, one a few miles to the east of Jaffa, the other SE. of Nablûs. They doubtless represent ancient sites, but are not identical with either of those first named. The village of this name near Jaffa apparently occupies the site of Caphardagon, a large village mentioned by Eusebius ( Onomast. s. v. Beth-Dayon) between Diospolis ( Lydda) and Jamnia ( Yebna). (Robinson, B. R. vol. 3. p. 30, n. 2.) The frequent recurrence of this name shows how widely spread was the worship of Dagon through Palestine. [G.W]