
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BIENNUS(Βίεννος: Eth. Βιέννιος: Viános), a small city of Crete which the coast-describer ( Geogr. Graec. Minor. ed. Gail, vol. 2. p. 495) places at some distance from the sea, midway between Hierapytna and Leben, the most eastern of the two parts of Gortyna. The Blenna of the Peutinger Table, which is placed at 30 M. P. from Arcadia, and 20 M. P. from Hierapytna, is no doubt the same as Biennus. In Hierocles, the name of this city occurs under the form of Bienna. The contest of Otus and Ephialtes with Ares is said to have taken place near this city. (Homer, Hom. Il. 5.315; Steph. B. s. v.) From this violent conflict the city is said to have derived its name. Mr. Pashley, in opposition to Dr. Cramer, who supposes that certain ruins said to be found at a considerable distance to the E. of Haghii Sarantamay represent Biennus, fixes the site at Viános, which agrees very well with the indications of the coast-describer. (Pashley, Travels, vol. 1. p. 267.)