
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BLAUNDUS(Βλαῦνδος), a place in Phrygia, probably the Blaeandrus of Ptolemy. Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. 1. p. 127, &c.) places Blaundus at Suleimanlí, which is east of Philadelphia, near the Kopli Su, a branch of the Maeander. He found at the neighbouring village of Göbek, an inscription, which, he was informed, was brought from Suleimanlí. It begins Βλαυνδέων Μοκεδόνων, and speaks of the Βουλήand Δῆμος.It belongs to the Roman period, as appears from the name Κουαδράτου (Quadrati). Another inscription, given by Arundell, from a tomb, contains the name of L. Salvius Crispus, and a Greek translation (τοῦτο τὸ μνημεῖον κληρονόμοις οὐκ ἀκολούθησεν) of the usual Roman monumental formula, hoc monumentum heredes non sequitur.From this it appears that Roman law had found a footing at this place. Hamilton also copied a small fragment of two Roman inscriptions at Suleimsanlí, but he found no trace of the ancient name. There is an acropolis at Suleimaslí, and near the foot of it the remains of a theatre. There are also the remains of a gateway, on each side of which is a massive square tower, built of Hellenic blocks, which, as well as the connecting wall, were originally surmounted by a Doric frieze, with triglyphs, part of which is still remaining.Within the walls are the ruins of a beautiful temple, heaped together in great confusion. The ornaments on the architraves resemble those of the Erechtheium at Athens and the temple of Jupiter at Azani. There are remains of many other buildings and temples, and the ruined arches of an aqueduct for the supply of the acropolis. This was evidently once a considerable place.
Arundell ( Discoveries in Asia Minor, vol. 1. p. 80, &c.) has given a view of Suleimanlí, and a plan of the place. He obtained there two coins of Ephesus, one of Sebaste, and one of Blaundus, all unquestionably found on the spot. The Peutinger Table has, on the road between Dorylaeum and Philadelphia, a place Aludda, then another Clanudda, and then Philadelphia; and Arundell concludes that Suleimanlíis Clanudda, as the distances agree very well with the road. Arundell also mentions two medals, both of which he had seen, with the epigraph Κλαννουδέων.This name Clanudda occurs in no ancient writer, nor in the Notitiae, and Hamilton and others suppose Clanudda to have originated in a corruption of Blaundus and Aludda. Certainly, the name Aludda, in the Table, makes Clanudda somewhat suspicious. Hamilton says that he is informed that the medal of Clanudda which was in the possession of Mr. Borrell of Smyrna, is the same that Mr. Arundell speaks of as being in the possession of Lord Ashburnham. Mr. Arundell saw both. but it seems that he was not aware that Lord Ashburnham's was that which had been Mr. Borrell's. Lord Ashburnham's is said to be lost. (Hamilton.) Mr. Hamilton has several autonomous coins of Blaundus, some of which he procured at Göbek, and. the name on these coins is always written Mlaundus. This interchange of Μand Βis curious, for it appears in the forms of other Greek words not proper names (Βροτός, μορτός, for instance). He observes, that nothing was more easy than to mistake Μfor ΚΛ, supposing it to be written ΚΛ, which I cannot help thinking has been the case with the supposed coin of Clanudda. Suleimanlí, he adds, is nearly on the direct line of road between Philadelphia and Kutahiyah, and by which the caravans now travel.The question is curious, and perhaps not quite determined; but the probability is in favour of Hamilton's conclusion, that Suleimanlíis Blaundus, and that Clanudda never existed.