
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BRANNOVICES or BRANNOVII, a Gallic people mentioned by Caesar ( B. G. 7.75). D'Anville conjectures that they may have been in the canton of Brionnois, in the diocese of Mácon. Walckenaer ( Géog. vol. 1. p. 331) has some remarks on these people. In Caesar ( B. G. 7.75) there are also readings Blannovicibusand Blannoviis (Oudendorp. ed. Caes.);and Walckenaer proposes to place the Blannovices or Brannovices in the district of Mâcon, where D'Anville also places the Brannovices or Brannovii. Walckenaer urges, in favour of this supposition, the existence of a place called Blannotin the district of Mâcon. There is another Blannotin the department of Côte d'Or, about 4 leagues from Arnay, and here Walckenaer places the Blannovii. All this is very uncertain.