
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BREGAE´TIUM, BREGE´TIO, BRIGITIO, BREGE´NTIO or BREGE´NTIUM (Βρέγαιτιον), one of the chief towns in Lower Pannonia. It was a very strong place of the rank of a Roman municipium, and was situated on the Danube, to the east of the river Arrabo, on the road from Carnuntum to Aquincum. The fifth cohort of the Legio I. Adjutrix had its head-quarters there, and the emperor Valentinian died there, in the midst of his preparations against the Quadi. Ruins of the place still exist near Szöny, in Hungary, a little to the east of Comorn. (Ptol. 2.15.3; Ammian. 30.5, foil.; Aurel. Vict. Epit. 45; Itin. Ant. pp. 263, 265; Orelli, Inscr. no. 499; Notit. Imp.)