
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BREVIODU´RUM in Gallia, is placed in the Antonine Itin. on a road between Juliobona ( Lillebonne), in the country of the Caleti, on the north side of the Seine, and Noviomagus ( Lisieux), in the department of Calvados, on the south side of the Seine. The Table, in which it is called Breviodorum, places it on a road between Juliobona and Rotomagus ( Rouen). The name shows that it was at the ford or passage of a river. D'Anville places it at Pont-Audemer, on the Risleor Rille. The Itin. makes 17 and the Table 18 Gallic leagues between Juliobona and Breviodurum, which seems a great deal too much, as the direct distance is only about half of this. But the distance from Rouento Pont-Audemeragrees better with the 20 of the Table, between Rotomagus and Breviodurum. Walekenaer places Breviodurum at Pont-Authon, 4 or 5 miles from Montfort-sur-Rille.