
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BRIGA´NTII(Βριγάντιοι), a tribe of the Vindelici, on the eastern shore of the Lacus Brigantinus. Their capital Brigantium or Brigantia (the modern Bregenz) was situated on the lake, on the great high road leading from the east into Gaul. In the 7th century the town was already in ruins ( Vita S. Magni, 6), but several objects of antiquarian interest are still discovered there from time to time. The Brigantii must not be confounded with the Ractian tribe of the Brixantae of Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.12.3), who occupied the district of the modern Brixia (Strab. 4. p. 206; Ptol. 2.12.5, 8.7.3; Ammian. 15.6; Itin. Anton. pp. 237, 259.)