
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BRISOANA(Βρισοάνα, Ptol. 6.4.2; Βρίζανα, Arrian. Ind. 39), a small river on the coast of Persia, described by Arrian as a winter torrent, near which Nearchus found the anchorage very difficult owing to the breakers and shoals on the coast. Its position cannot be determined accurately, nor what is its modern name. It is stated to be two stadia from Rhogonis, which Dr. Vincent. identifies with the modern Bunderuk. Dr. Vincent considers that the Brisoana of Ptolemy and the Brixana of Arrian, cannot be the same place, unless the Brisoana of the former geographer has been transposed from the east to the west of the headland he calls Chersonesus. (Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus, vol. i. pp. 404, 405.)