
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BULIS(Βοῦλις), a town of Phocis, on the frontiers of Boeotia, situated upon a hill, and distant 7 stadia from the Crissaean gulf, 80 stadia from Thisbe, and 100 from Anticyra. It was founded by the Dorians under Bulon, and for this reason appears to have belonged to neither the Phocian nor the Boeotian confederacy. Pausanias, at least, did not regard it as a Phocian town, since he describes it as bordering upon Phocis. But Stephanus, Pliny, and Ptolemy all assign it to Phocis. Near Phocis there flowed into the sea a torrent called Heracleius, and there was also a fountain named Saunium. In the time of Pausanias more than half the population was employed in fishing for the murex, which-yielded the purple dye, but which is no longer caught on this coast. (Paus. 10.37.2, seq.; Steph. B. s. v.;Plin. Nat. 4.3. s. 4; Ptol. 3.15.18, who calls it Βούλεια;Plut. de Prud. Anim. 31, where for Βουνῶνwe ought to read Βούλεων, according to Müller, Orchomenus, p. 482, 2nd ed.) The harbour of Bulis, which Pausanias describes as distant 7 stadia from the city, is called MYCHUS(Μυχός) by Strabo (ix. pp. 409, 423). The ruins of Bulis are situated about an hour from the monastery of Dobó. Leake describes Bulis as occupying the summit of a rocky height which slopes on one side towards a small harbour, and is defended in the opposite direction by an immense βράχος, or lofty rock, separated by a torrent from the precipitous acclivities of Helicon.The harbour of Mychus is now called Zálitza. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 518, seq.)