
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BU´PHIA(Βουφία: Eth. Βουφιεύς), a village in Sicyonia, mentioned by Stephanus (s. v.) is probably the same place as PHOEBIA(Φοιβία), a fortress taken by Epaminondas in his march from Nemea to Mantineia. (Paus. 9.15.4.) Stephanus appears to have made a mistake in naming Buphia and Phoebia as separate places. Ross supposes the remains of a fortress on a summit of Mt. Tricaranum, about two miles north-eastward of the ruins of Philius, to be those of Buphia or Phoebia; but Leake maintains that they represent Tricarana, a fortress mentioned by Xenophon. (Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, p 40; Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 401.)