
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BU´RII or BURI(Βοῦροι, Βοῦρροι), a German people, which is first mentioned by Tacitus ( Germ. 43) in connection with the Marsigni, Gothini, and as dwelling beyond the Marcomanni and Quadi. (Ptol. 2.11.20; Dio Cass.; Jul. Capitol. Ant. Philos. 22.) We must therefore suppose that the Burii dwelt to the north-east of the Marcomanni and Quadi, where they seem to have extended as far as the Vistula. In the war of Trajan against the Dacians, the Burii were his allies (Dio Cass.); in the time of M. Aurelius, they likewise sided with the Romans, while they are said to have been constantly at war with the Quadi (71.18). In the peace concluded by Commodus with the Marcomanni and Quadi, the Burii are expressly mentioned as friends of the Romans (72.2). But this friendly relation between them and the Romans was not without interruptions (72.3; Jul. Capit. l. c.). Ptolemy, who calls them Λούγιοι Βοῦροι, seems to consider them as a branch of the Lygian race, while Tacitus regards them as a branch of the Suevi. (Zeuss, Die Deutschen u. d. Nachbarstämme, pp. 126, 458; Wilhelm, Germanten, p. 246.)