
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BU´TRIUM(Βούτριον), a town of Gallia Cispadana, placed by Strabo on the road from Ravenna to Altinum. This is confirmed by the Tab. Peut., which places it 6 miles from Ravenna: Pliny also says that it was near the sea-coast, and calls it an Umbrian city. Strabo, on the other hand, says it was a colony or dependency of Ravenna. (Strab. 5. p. 214; Plin. Nat. 3.15. s. 20; Steph. Byz. s. v. Βούτριον;Tab. Peut.) No remains of it are extant, and its site cannot be identified: there is a place still called Budrioabout 10 miles NE. of Bologna, but this is much too far from the sea-coast: the ancient Butrium must have been near the entrance of the lagunes of Comacchio. The Butrium mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.1.31) among the cities of the Cenomani, in conjunction with Tridentum, must have been quite a different place.