
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CA´BASA(Κάβασα, Ptol. 4.5.48; Plin. Nat. 5.9, s.9: Hierocles,p. 724; Κάβασσα, Conc. Ephes. p. 531, and Καύασσα), in the Delta of Egypt, the modern Khabas, was the principal town of the nome Cabasites. It was seated a little to the north of Sais and Naucratis. Remains of the ancient Cabasa are believed to exist at Koum-Fara'un, and in this district the names of several villages, e. g. Khabâs-el-Meh, Khabâs-omar, Koum-Khabâs—recall the Coptic appellation of the capital of the Cabasite nome. D'Anville ( Egypte, p. 75) and Champollion (2. p. 234) ascribe to the castle of Khabasthe site of the original Cabasa.