
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAENE´POLIS or CAENE(Καινὴ πόλις, Ptol. 4.5.72; Geog. Rav. p. 104), the modern Clenèwas the southernmost town of the Panopolite nome in the Thebaid of Egypt. It stood upon the eastern bank of the Nile, 2 geographical miles NW. of Coptos. Herodotus (Hdt. 2.91) mentions a town Nea. polis (Νέη πόλις), near Chemmiis in Upper Egypt, which is probably the same with Caenepolis. (Comp. Mannert, vol. 10.1, p. 371.) Panopolis, which was north of Chemmis, at one period went by the name of Caene or Caene-polis.