
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CALLA´TIS(Κάλλατις, Κάλατις, Καλλατία, or Καλλαντία), a large city of Thrace, on the coast of the Euxine. It was a colony of Miletus (Mela, 2.2), and its original name Acervetis. (Plin. Nat. 4.18.) The author of the Etym. May. describes it as a colony of Heracleia, which may mean nothing else but that, at a later period, fresh colonists were sent out from Heracleia. (Scyl. Peripl. p. 29; Strab. 7. p. 319; Scymn. Frag. 15; Diod. 19.73, 20.25; Anonym. Peripl. p. 12; Steph. B. s. v.;Procop. de Aedif. iv. 11; Ptol. 3.10.8; Ammian. 27.4.) The town appears to have been flourishing down to a late period, and is now generally identified with the town of Collator Collati.