
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAMBALA(Κάμβαλα), in the district of Hyspiratis, to which Alexander the Great sent Menon with troops to examine for gold; the detachment was entirely destroyed. . (Strab. 11. p. 529.) St. Martin ( Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 69) supposes the Hyspiratis of Strabo to refer to the district of Isper, NE. of Erzrúm;but in another place Strabo (p. 503) appears to denote the same district under the name of Syspiratis, and this he places to the S., beyond the limits of Armenia, and bordering on Adiabene, which will not suit the position of Isper;nor did the troops of Alexander at any time approach the neighbourhood of Erzrúm. Major Rawlinson suspects that these mines may be recognised in the metallic riches of the mountainous country on the Asped-Rúdor Kizil-Uzen. ( Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. 10. p. 148.)