
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAPOTES(Dújik Tágh), a mountain of Armenia, from the spurs of which Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.20. s. 24), on the authority of Licinius Mucianus, describes the Euphrates as taking its rise. He fixes its position 12 M. P. above Zimara. Pliny (l. c.) quotes Domitius Corbulo in placing the sources of the Euphrates in Mt.Aba, the same undoubtedly as the Abus of Strabo (11. p. 527). Capotes therefore formed part of the range of Abus. St. Martin ( Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 43) derives the name Capotes from the Armenian word Gaboid, signifying blue,an epithet commonly given to high mountains. Ritter ( Erdkunde, vol. x. pp. 80, 653, 801, 823) identifies Capotes with the Dújikrange or great water-shed between the E. and W. branches of the Euphrates. The Murád-cháï, the E. branch or principal stream of the Euphrates, takes its rise on the S. slope of Alá—Tágh. (Chesney, Exped. Euphrat. vol. 1. p. 42; Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. 6. p. 204, vol. 10. p. 369.)