
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARACA´TEST he Triboci, Vangiones, et Caracates,are mentioned by Tacitus (Tac. Hist. 4.70) in his history of the war of Civilis. Some of the commentators on Tacitus would alter the name, but there is no reason for altering such a name because it occurs nowhere else. D'Anville, finding no place for these people among the Triboci, Nemetes, and Vangiones, supposes that they may have occupied the tract between the Nava ( Nahe) and the Rhine, and that Moguntiacum ( Mainz) may have been their chief town; for it happens that we never find the name of the people mentioned who had Mainz. It may then have belonged to the Caracates. Walckenaer observes ( Géog. vol. 2. p. 278) that in the environs of Mainzthere occur the names Karbach, Karlick, Karweiler, Karthäuser, which may be taken to be some confirmation of D'Anville's conjecture.