
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARALLIS(Κάραλλις, Καράλλεια: Eth. Καραλλεώτης: Steph. s. v.), a city of Isauria, supposed by Cramer to be the same which Hieroeles and the Councils assign to Pamphylia. There are imperial coins of Carallis with the epigraph Καραλλιωτων.The place appears to be Kerelion the north side of the lake of Bey Sheher, which is west of Iconium. This lake is that which Strabo (p. 568, ed. Casaub.) calls Coralis (Κώραλις), and Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. 2. p. 349) supposes it to be the same as the Pusgusa or Pasgusa of the Byzantine writers. It is a large lake, and contains many islands. Many modern writers call this lake Caralis or Caralitis, but it does not appear on what authority. Livy (Liv. 38.15) mentions a Caralitis palus, but it is near the Cibyratis.